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Gifted And Talented
Startup Venture Innovators 
Venture Challenge
The GATSVI Venture Challenge ("GVC") is a business competition for high school students. Through the GVC, GATSVI has graduated startup companies. GVC startups achieve real angel and venture capital investments.
Irvine, California
July 20, 2023
From Idea to Impact
Gifted and Talented Startup Venture Innovators bridges the gap
between knowledge and practice, idea and action, and research and impact through education, partnerships, and new venture creation.
Providing high-impact entrepreneurship experience for high school students.
What is GATSVI?

High school students have creative ideas dancing in their heads. All they need is the right platform, the right mentor, and the right resources to turn their imagination into reality. Gifted And Talented Startup Venture Innovators (GATSVI) is established on the core belief that high school students are more than capable of launching a company and impacting the world with their creative ideas. 


Is GATSVI Venture Challenge for me?

Is your mind an amazing idea lab?

If you have an idea, then don't hesitate - join the GATSVI Venture Challenge!

What if your idea is worth a billion dollars?

Find teammates and join the competition. You never know until you try.

What if real investors gave you 20 minutes?

Practice. Practice. And practice! You will get one shot to pitch your business!

Before Apply
2023 GVC Schedule & Key Dates
  • Round I — GVC Application
    • June 16: Pitch & Feasibility Summary Submission
    • June 28: Decision Notification for Finalists
  • Round II — GVC Application
    • June 30: Pitch & Feasibility Summary Submission
    • July 12: Decision Notification for Finalists
  • Finals — GATSVI Venture Challenge (GVC) 
    • July 20: Finalists are invited to pitch at GVC​
Past GVC Alumni & Winners
Some of our proud alumni & winners from GATSVI Venture Challenge:
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